Angie offers therapeutic massage using a blend of therapies, focusing on abdominal therapy, pregnancy, lymphatic, and therapeutic touch. Therapeutic massage aims to relieve stress, tension, and congestion in the body, releasing acute and chronic pain or discomfort, with various amounts of pressure.
Angie offers 60 or 90 minute treatments on their own, or as an integral part of the Personal Growth Retreats and the Rest and Digest program.
Therapeutic massage is great for the following, but not limited to:
- low back, hip, sciatic, SI, pelvic floor pain or discomfort
- chronic or acute digestive problems
- abdominal bloating, cramping, discomfort, or pain
- painful and/or irregular periods, fertility challenges
- chronic stress, fatigue, headaches, migraines
- compromised immune system
- scar tissue, abdominal surgery recovery
- lymphatic congestion and/or swelling
- chronic skin conditions
- frequent urination/incontinence
- prolapsed organ, hemorrhoids, varicose veins
- painful intercourse
Pregnancy is a time when a woman's body goes through many changes and can endure tremendous stress due to dramatic physical and emotional changes.
Getting regular bodywork is a great way to help make this the best experience possible! Appointments are recommended anytime during pregnancy, unless serious complications arise.
Pregnancy massage is great for the following, but not limited to:
- increases the systems of flow (circulation, blood, lymph, nerves, and energy) to all organs, especially to uterine muscles, pelvic floor, and to placenta and baby
- pain relief (back, hips, pelvic floor, etc)
- optimal uterine and fetal position for healthiest pregnancy and easiest labor
- improved alignment and flexibility of pelvic bones
- improved potential for the sacrum, "magic bone of fertility", to oscillate during labor
- increased nerve conduction through the sacrum to improve conduction to uterus and cervix
- protection of uterine ligaments due to exaggerated stretching
- increases bonding with mother and baby
- emotional support
- improved digestion with better absorption of nutrients and elimination of waste
- reduces digestive problems (constipation, acid reflux, etc)
- improved sleep
- reduced tension and anxiety
- improved breathing and relaxation
- decreases congestion and swelling
Caring human touch is crucial for the healthy development of a child. This appointment also teaches the parent at home care.
-Improved growth and development of the brain and nervous system
-Improves the quality of sleep
-Strengthens the immune system
-Relieves Colic, acid reflux, and any other digestive problems
-Increases bonding
-Great for premature babies growth and development
Great for anyone wanting to nourish your "inner soil", do some internal spring cleaning, or if you want to kick start and balance your bodies.
The 3 month Rest and Digest program supports and enhances digestive function through therapeutic massage and wellness coaching. In addition to receiving bi monthly massages during the course of the three months, there will be weekly check-ins and support.
This is for the motivated client who wants to take responsibility for their own health, with support and guidance. By making sure your digestion is working optimally, you are nourishing your soil and optimizing the groundwork of your whole well being.
Please inquire to set up your free consultation to make sure this is a good fit for you!
I also offer the Rest and Digest as a wellness workshop. This is a 3 hour workshop that focuses on self care.
- You will learn self care strategies for eating and living healthier, learn basic anatomy and a self care massage technique
- You will make your own personalized oil blend (to take home) and we will go through a guided meditation while getting hands on practice
This is great on it's own, as a refresher, or as a jump start to the three month program.